Monday, October 25, 2010

(A Note Sent Home Monday)

Dear Parents,                                    

Next Tuesday, November 2, we will be walking to Ten Thousand Villages, a wonderful store located on University Park Drive and Quance Street.  We are going to explore the many beautiful fair trade products from all over the world and listen to a presentation from the store manager.  This venture ties in perfectly with our current study on “Fairness” in Language Arts.  We will leave right after lunch (12:45pm) and return between 3-3:30pm. 

A couple of things to note regarding this trip:
-Please ensure that your child is dressed warmly, as it is a fair distance to the store (our walk will be our fitness for the day!)
-Consider sending a bit of money along with your child.  It’s not necessary, but it would be nice for students to have $5 to shop with at the store!
-Consider coming along!  If fair trade is something you are unfamiliar with, this is a great chance to get out for a good long walk with a fun bunch of kids ☺, and learn something new. 
-Please sign the consent/waiver form.  I know it’s a pain, but it is now necessary for us to receive these forms for every out-of-school excursion.  Thanks for your cooperation.

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