Sunday, February 27, 2011


(this was sent home in a note on Friday)
Dear Parents,                    
It is a busy time of the year for Grade 6!  We have many different activities happening in our classroom and around the school.  This note is just an update to remind you of what is coming up, as well as a request for money to fund some of the different activities!

Important Dates

•    Tuesday, March 1: Science Field Trip to Boggy Creek (see previous note for more information; consent form and payment should have already been sent to school)
•    Wednesday, March 2: Rough Draft for Speech is due
•    Thursday, March 3*: Afternoon field trip to the University of Regina.  The cost is $1.50 for the bus ride.
•    Thursday, March 3: Be ready to share your story with the class!  Students should have practiced their reading fluency, expression and reading strategies in preparation for this.  (This is the “Storybook Project”)
•    Friday, March 4: No School for Students (Teacher Convention)
•    Wednesday, March 9: Final Draft for Speech is due
•    Thursday, March 10*: Afternoon Science (Space) Field Trip to the Science Center.  We will be exploring the exhibits and then watching the IMAX movie, Hubble 3D, at 2:30pm.  The cost for the admission and the bus ride is $9.  The concession will be available for the movie.
•    Tuesday, March 15: Classroom Speakoff (Speeches must be on cue cards and students should be ready to share with the class)
•    Swimming Dates*: We swim for one hour in the afternoon on the following dates: Feb. 25, Mar. 24, May 31 and June 24.  The cost for these 4 sessions is $4.

*The total cost for the activities starred above is $14.50.  Please send cash or cheque for this amount by the end of next week. 

Thank you very much for your support this year.  I am thoroughly enjoy this group of kids- they are so much fun to teach!

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