Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tongue Tied!

Today we started a new unit on Poetry!! To kick things off, we hosted a Tongue Twister Championship!  We learned about using alliteration as a poetic device, too.  Add your own tongue twister to this blog posting by adding a comment.  Don't forget to use your iGo account to log-in.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Boggy Crew Survivors 2011!
Friday was a FUN day for Grade 6.  More pictures to come...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Field Trip

Hi, everyone!  Just a reminder that this week we have TWO science field trips!  The first one is on Thursday afternoon, when we will go to the Science Center to explore exhibits, and then watch Hubble 3D at the IMAX!  Our Winter Ecology field trip has been rescheduled for FRIDAY!  We are lucky because it was the last possible day to have trips reschedule for the year.  Let's hope for good weather! 
Please remember to return the $14.50 required for our trips- including swimming, our trip the U of R this past week, and the trip to the Science Center.  Thanks!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Field Trip Today Canceled :(

We announced it at the end of yesterday, but in case someone has forgot...today's field trip is canceled due to the crazy cold weather.  We're hoping to reschedule and I will let you know as soon as I find out.  If it is not rescheduled, I will return the $4.50 paid for the trip.  Thanks!