Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tongue Tied!

Today we started a new unit on Poetry!! To kick things off, we hosted a Tongue Twister Championship!  We learned about using alliteration as a poetic device, too.  Add your own tongue twister to this blog posting by adding a comment.  Don't forget to use your iGo account to log-in.


  1. Damond's tongue twisters:

    1.Harry Hip Hopped Hip Hop on Hip hop top.

    2.Big Bob Bounces Balls

    3. Swift Simon catches salmon

  2. Steve Jobs saw smooth slick silk on Sunday.

    Sticky squishy squirmy slugs saw shiny spongy sandals.

    Turtle's tongue taught thumbs could talk.

  3. Catty Cuddled a cuddly cat named Collin
