In math we are working on multiplying and dividing decimals. Many students are having challenges with recalling multiplication and division skills, and I would like to encourage you to help your child spend time practicing at home. I've included a page with links that students can you use to practice. Go HERE for that link (you can always find this link on the sidebar of this page- "Miss M's Links"). Thanks for your support!

We will be going cross-country skiing twice in the next month. Our first session is on Tuesday afternoon, and the second is on Thursday, January 27, in the morning. Please remind your child to dress warmly! If you would like to join us, you are more than welcome! I really enjoy these sessions- great exercise and lots of fun together outside. You can meet us at Douglas Park or take the bus with us from school (on Tuesday we will leave the school at 12:45pm).
Also, I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for your generosity before the break. Thank you for the awesome gift card (you must be getting to know me- Sport Chek is certainly a favorite of mine!), and thank you for the thoughtful gifts sent by many. I am very grateful.
All the best to you and your family as you start a new year!
Miss McMillan
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